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Angry Fan Goes in on Yaris Sanchez! “You look Weak Lately” “You Fell Off”

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Upset Fan goes on a rant about Yaris outfit “You been looking Weak Lately”.

Yaris Sanchez


Yaris Sanchez wardrobe choices cause IG followers to rant. One comment stood out quoting “you look weak lately” . What ever happened to the Dominican vixen , Yaris has been keeping it very conservative over the last few months. Now-a -days she has been on some other issh , I mean her last few photo shoots did look like cover of KIDS BOP or some disney movie. Has the novelty of being the young hot vixen ran its course or could it be her hippy boo (Ab-soul) well we don’t. “No shade thrown” she is definitely one of the top 20 vixens of all time, in our opinion she is still glowing ….
Check out before and after pics

Yaris Sanchez_Ig_rant_angry_fan

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