Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Reunion Recap Part 2 WWE The Josaline Edition (Spoiler Alert)
Joseline and Stevie J hmm the modern day bonnie and Clyde!
For the last couple of months the internet has been brewing with detail accounts of the maylaa that went down on the set of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta’s Reunion taping. The premier aired and it was nothing shy of a disaster… Lets just say all hell broke loose after Benzino and Althea’s smart remarks pushed the Puerto Rico princess to her tipping point. It was like watching an episode of “Snaped” Josaline and Stevie J went head to head with Benzino and his girl Thee-Thee and unleashing a spew of words in a screaming match but not before Joseline politely passed out a can of wooop ass to three cast members . We don’t like to name names but Mimi Faust ,Tammy, and Althea will been sending Stevie their doctor bill. After the mayhem settled. It ended with Dawn bursting into tears!!! If i was Dawn I would be scared too Josaline handing ass whooping out free! But thats none of our business thou.