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Try Not to Get Addicted to Model Laina Rauma’s Instagram

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Perhaps we’re spending way too much time on Instagram, and when we’re not living vicariously through our favorite Pattygurls accounts, we’re checking on some particularly talented people.

So when our Pattycakez casting team laid eyes on this bombshell, we thought it was our duty to introduce her to our subscribers, dear followers. Today we’re starting November with a woman who was raised in the coldest part of Surrey: Canadian model and fashion designer Laina Rauma.


Laina Rauma is the perfect amount of sexy.
The green-eyed beauty may call Canada home, but she lives her best life in sunny so Cal (the one she shares with over a 150k loyal followers on Instagram)
And when she’s not posing poolside, she’s taking photos and putting the finishing touches on her next clothing launch.


“Making clothes has been an obsession of mine since I’ve been about 7 years old. I really started pursuing it seriously to stand out in my tiny city of Vancouver, BC Canada. Not to be obnoxious but just because I felt like everyone looked the same and that was way too boring for how bored I already was. I make clothes for beautiful, confident women who don’t take dressing too seriously.”

And when she’s not posing surfside, she’s taking photos enjoying, some dinner with her boyfriend or a joint and re-runs of Friends with her roommates.


Wanna stay connected with the everything that is Ms.Rauma? Check her out below, and by all means click the follow button.
