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Their Not The Love Of Your Life If You Do Not Respond With A “Yes” To All 3 Of These Questions

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How do you know if the girl you’re with is your soulmate? It is possible that you feel that much in love that her personality comes at a distance second to her physical appeal or vice versa. Perhaps you’re willing to let the true love of your life pass, to be with the off brand version, But after a while the internal conflict will start to brew and you will get tired of responding to your psyche with lies about why you settled. If this is not you, you’re telling yourself “She is the only person who has the capacity to give me the happiness and love that I deserve.”

Although love is complicated, it is wonderful to feel those butterflies in your stomach. You realize that your heart is busy when you consider this part of your life to be the best, when your partner is on your priority list, when you are not afraid or embarrassed to express your feelings in public, you love their imperfections far more than hate them, and they become your best friend and even plan a future with you.

Even so, you need to ask yourself 3 questions that will have to have an affirmative answer to know if that woman with whom you usually go out to eat, travel and even share your bed with from time to time, is the one that will be with you for the rest of your days.


Has Your Life Improved After You Met Your Partner?

Are you happy? Is your outlook on life better now, than it was before? When the right person is at your side, your problems become easier to solve because everything moves at a much slower pace.


Are They Always For You?

Do they support, motivate and advise you? Is she always there when you need her help? Have you asked for advice and offered it yourself?

The wrong woman is one who is selfish, who prefers to keep her space and who is not able to offer her hand when you need it most.


Annd Lastly can you all talk for hours without getting bored or, despite being silent, are they comfortable?

The sex represent a very high percentage in the success of a young couple. However, as time goes by, libido goes down considerably and a varied, ample and entertaining conversation attracts anyone. Beyond looking for an attractive woman, select the one that complements beauty, intelligence and, above all, being a good friend from the start.