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Five Positions Of The Tao To Reach The Highest Orgasm

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The philosophy of Taoism gives us three alternatives to enhance the female and male orgasm.

The Taoism is the ancient key of pleasure. Created around 2500 years ago by Lao Tzu, this philosophy teaches how to improve sexual life and achieve maximum arousal. We select the three positions that most increase the pleasure, to which the Taoist monks used to attribute healing power.
The dragon . The girl must raise her pelvis so that the male is introduced eight times with shallow and quiet, to stimulate the female G-spot, and then must do it deep, twice more. This rhythm is continued until the woman reaches orgasm.

The cicada . The woman lies on her stomach, but with her legs slightly open, and the man is placed on her back. It is necessary that the lady raise her buttocks a little, perhaps resting on a cushion. The male must self-support by leaning his arms on the bed, without unloading his weight on the woman and making nine quick penetrations and repeating them six times. With these movements, the girl gets a great excitement and the orgasm usually accelerates.

The monkey . The woman is lying on her back, and places her legs on the shoulders of the man, who kneels in front of her. In this position it is also the male who dominates the movements, pushing deeply, without moving. While movements are bounded, the contemplation of the other’s excitement and orgasm is what makes it hotter.