Celebrity Look A Like
Croatian Hottie: Meet The World Cup’s Sizzling Spectator Taking The Internet By Storm
Pattycakez Staff |Ivana Knoll, the former Miss Croatia, has been turning heads and capturing the attention of soccer fans and players...
Real Life Disney Princess | This Girl Looks Exactly Like Princess Jasmine and the Internet Is Going Wild
Pattycakez Staff |Pattygurl Olayinka Mia Noel has brought the dream of becoming a Disney Princess to light, because she happens to...
Yall Play Too Much! Steve Harvey Meets His Look-Alike On ‘Family Feud!! [VIDEO]
Pattycakez Staff |Steve Harvey, host of the longstanding game show “Family Feud” is in for a surprise this week when his...
Double Take: Bruh?! Lil Kim Had Us Like What… After Posting New LIght Skin Selfies That Look Nothing Like Her
Pattycakez Staff |What happened to the old Lil Kim? After she posted a series of selfies onto her Instagram on Sunday...
Pattycakez Staff |MOTHER-OF-5 SPENDS OVER $500,000 ON PLASTIC SURGERY TO LOOK LIKE A BARBIE DOLL !!! Meet the woman who has...
Canadian blogger Looks Just Like ‘Kim Kardashian’s twin’ insists she’s NOT trying to look like Kim !!!
Pattycakez Staff |Kim Kardashian has a twin…. A Canadian blogger name Kamilla Osman who looks so similar to reality star she’s often...
Angelina Jolie has A Doppelganger And Her Name Is Chelsea Marr !!!!
Girl Power |Angelina Jolie has a Twin we can’t tell ….Which is which? This Angelina Jolie lookalike is amazingly flawless! The...
Celebrity Look A Like: Robert Ri’chard Totally Looks Like Neal McDonough …
Pattycakez Staff |What are the odds that these two men are not related in the least bit???. It makes you have...